DVI stands for DeVice Independent file. These files are produced by TEX or LATEX to be read by a driver of some sort on your computer. There are many different types of output that a .dvi can be sent to, such as a printer, postscript or PDF file converter, or your computer screen.
You have already seen how to view a DVI file on the screen by using the button in the toolbar.
To print a DVI, you can use the same process that you used to create your document earlier (see the section called “Using Kile”). At step 7, after clicking , select -> in the viewer, and if you have your printer properly configured, you will be able to print the DVI.
To print a DVI manually from a console, use first the command
dvips intro.dvi
. The command will convert your DVI into a postscript file.
Once your file is converted, you can then print it using the command
lpr intro.ps