In figure 1 is the keymap called global-keymap. This keymap is the first keymap used. If you for example press the 'a'-key, global-keymap tells us that next key pressed will be interpreted by add-keymap (see figure 2).
(define global-keymap '(("Escape" . cancel) ("a" . add-keymap)))Figure 1: First example of an simple keymap
If you, after you pressed 'a', press a 'c' the built-in action add-component comes to live. This is exactly what had happend if you had selected Add, the menubar.
(define add-keymap '(("c" . add-component) ("a" . add-attribute) ("n" . add-net-hotkey)))Figure 2: Second example of an simple keymap
For a | -- | ``a'' |
For Shift-A | -- | ``Shift A'' |
For Control-a | -- | ``Control a'' |
For Alt-a | -- | ``Alt a'' |
function | A subprogram in Scheme, C or other programming languages. |
action | What gschem (in this case) does when you press a key or a set of keys. |
list | A data structure very common in Lisp-looking languages like Scheme. Simply put, a long list of values. |
pair | (also dotted pair) A datstructure also very common in Lisp-looking languages. |
car element | First element in a pair. Since lists are decendents from pairs, car is also the first element in a list. |
cdr element | (pronounced cudr) The second element in a pair. In the list case it denotes the rest of list. |
grep gh_register_procedure_0_0 gschem/src/g_register.cand do some work in emacsen.
file-new-window |
file-new |
file-open |
file-script |
file-save |
file-save-as |
file-save-all |
file-print |
file-image |
file-close-window |
file-quit |
edit-select |
edit-copy |
edit-copy-hotkey |
edit-move |
edit-move-hotkey |
edit-delete |
edit-rotate-90 |
edit-rotate-90-hotkey |
edit-mirror |
edit-mirror-hotkey |
edit-slot |
edit-color |
edit-edit |
edit-lock |
edit-unlock |
edit-translate |
edit-embed |
edit-unembed |
edit-hidden |
view-redraw |
view-zoom-full |
view-zoom-limits |
view-zoom-in |
view-zoom-out |
view-zoom-box |
view-zoom-box-hotkey |
view-pan |
view-pan-hotkey |
view-update-nets |
page-manager |
page-next |
page-prev |
page-new |
page-close |
page-discard |
page-print |
add-component |
add-attribute |
add-net |
add-net-hotkey |
add-text |
add-line |
add-line-hotkey |
add-box |
add-box-hotkey |
add-circle |
add-circle-hotkey |
add-arc |
add-arc-hotkey |
add-pin |
add-pin-hotkey |
hierarchy-open-symbol |
attributes-attach |
attributes-detach |
attributes-show-name |
attributes-show-value |
attributes-show-both |
attributes-visibility-toggle |
options-text-size |
options-snap-size |
options-action-feedback |
options-grid |
options-snap |
options-show-log-window |
options-show-coord-window |
misc-misc |
cancel |
This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA.