Incompressible Flow

The equation simplifies further when we consider an incompressible flow where density $ \rho$ is a constant. Consequently we have,

$\displaystyle ~~\rho~~{\partial \over \partial t} \int_{CV} d ~
 \forall~~+~~\rho~~ \int_{CS}~
 \overrightarrow{V}.d\overrightarrow{A}~=~0$ (3.33)

Dividing by density, $ \rho$,
$\displaystyle ~~{\partial \over \partial t} \int_{CV} d ~
 \forall~~+~~ \int_{CS}~
 \overrightarrow{V}.d\overrightarrow{A}~=~0$ (3.34)

The first term is the rate of change of volume within a control volume, which for a fixed control volume is zero by definition. This gives a simple form of the equation for the conservation of mass for the control volume as

$\displaystyle \int_{CS}~
 \overrightarrow{V}.d\overrightarrow{A}~=~0$ (3.35)

Thus for an incompressible flow the continuity equation is the same irrespective of whether the flow is steady or unsteady.

(c) Aerospace, Mechanical & Mechatronic Engg. 2005
University of Sydney