Energy Considerations, Friction factor

Figure 7.9: Energy balance for a pipe flow.

Consider the pipe flow as in the previous section and perform a energy analysis. With reference to Fig.7.9, we have for a mass balance,

Since the flow is incompressible and it is a constant area pipe, we have,

Now applying the energy equation for a steady flow,

Note that every term in the above equation has dimension of length. We are considering a fully developed flow, which means that $ \alpha_1 = \alpha_2$. We have no external features between (1) and (2) to add in or take away energy. As a result, loss of head is given by,

A force balance in x-direction on the control volume gives,

  $\displaystyle \Delta p (\pi R^2) + \gamma (\pi R^2) L \sin \theta - \tau_w(2\pi
 R) L = 0$    
Note that, $\displaystyle \noalign{note  that  $L  \sin\theta = \Delta z$}$    
  $\displaystyle \Delta p (\pi R^2) + \gamma (\pi R^2) \Delta z - \tau_w(2\pi
 R) L = 0$    
Dividing by $\displaystyle \noalign{dividing by $\pi R^2 \gamma$, we have}$ we have    
  $\displaystyle {{\Delta p} \over \gamma} +\Delta z = {{2 \tau L} \over {\gamma
 R}}$ (7.23)

An inspection of Eqns. 7.23 and 7.22 shows that

Again we remind ourselves that this result is valid for both laminar and turbulent flows.

Subsections (c) Aerospace, Mechanical & Mechatronic Engg. 2005
University of Sydney