Source and Sink

Consider a radial flow going away from the origin at a velocity $ v_r$ as shown in Fig.4.19. This constitutes a Source Flow. This is a purely radial flow with no component of velocity in the tangential direction, i.e., $ v_\theta = 0$. If m is the volumetric flow rate we have

Figure 4.19: Source Flow and Sink Flow.

$\displaystyle (2 \pi r) v_r = m$    
i.e., (4.74)

We can now write down velocity potential and stream function for this flow -

$\displaystyle \phi $ $\displaystyle = {m \over {2\pi}} \ln r$    
$\displaystyle \psi $ $\displaystyle = {m \over {2\pi}} \theta$ (4.75)

It is easily verified that $ v_\theta = 0$ for this flow. Further, the equation we started out with , namely, Eqn.4.74 is the continuity equation for the source flow. It states that the Volumetric flow rate (mass flow rate when multiplied by density) is constant in a radial direction and is equal to m, which is called the Strength of the source.

Another point to make is that the radial velocity $ v_r$ becomes infinite at r = 0. So the origin is a singularity of the flow.

If m is negative we have a flow which flows inwards and is called a Sink flow, which again has a singularity at the origin.

(c) Aerospace, Mechanical & Mechatronic Engg. 2005
University of Sydney