The layout of a medium sized coal-fired boiler is sketched - the arrowed man gives an idea of the boiler size.
Pulverised coal is transported in a continuous jet of air through each burner and burns in the combustion chamber ( the large chamber between burners and the man in the sketch ). The hot gaseous combustion products then follow a tortuous path produced by baffles, giving up their heat generally in counterflow to the steam, water and combustion air before exhausting through the boiler stack ( not shown ).
The boiler is constructed mainly of interconnected cylinders such as the superheater tubes, the generating tubes which completely cover the walls of the combustion chamber ( the 'water walls' ), various larger diameter headers ( not identified ), and the large drums. Water and steam circulate by natural convection through the tube network, the steam finally collecting in the upper ( steam ) drum, from whence it is drawn off for use.
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