AE-21, Spring Design Manual, SAE 1996 comprehensive coverage of different types of springs
AS 1472-1991, Steel Wire for Springs
AS 2338-1980, Preferred Dimensions of Wrought Metal Products
BS 1726: 1987, Coil Springs. Part 1: Guide for the Design of Helical Compression Springs
Godfrey L, Steel Springs, Metals Handbook v1, ASM 10ed 1990
Richmond TD, Piston Return Springs for Hydrostatic Machinery, Joint Convention on Marine Applications of Fluid Power, NEL 1966
Wahl AM, Mechanical Springs, McGraw-Hill 1963 definitive
Item 65005 - Elastic Stresses and Deflections of Helical Compression Springs of Round Wire, Engineering Sciences Data Unit 1965
Item 65006 - Notes on the Design of Helical Compression Springs of Round Wire, Engineering Sciences Data Unit 1965