Kile's Main Features

Kile's Main Features

QuickStart Wizard

The wizard built into Kile is a useful feature to quickly start creating documents in Kile. Choosing the wizard from the menubar gives you several choices for the creation of your document: article, book, letter, report, or empty. You can also specify some options related to the document right away.

Wizard options:

  • Document Class: choose the type of document you want to create: article, letter, report, book or other custom-defined.

  • Typeface Size: tell Kile what point size you want to use.

  • Paper Size: choose the size or style of sheets.

  • Encoding: you will almost always want to use Latin 1 or Utf-8 encodings, to allow you to enter words like naïveté directly, and not through the ASCII-fication na\"\ivet\'e; however, many more options are available, like Latin 5 for Turkish.

  • Author's name: put your name here.

  • Title of Document: add your document title here.

  • Other options: this allows you to set further options such as printing, draft, and others.

Predefined Templates

The predefined templates in Kile are:

  • Empty document: real men start from scratch!

  • Article: sets the article format, for a document short enough not to be broken down to chapters.

  • Report: sets the report format, for a middle-sized document, with for example page numbering on the page's outer edge.

  • Book: sets the book format, a full-fledged flavour, so powerful that it is used to write many university textbooks.

  • Letter: sets the letter format, that can automatically do those nasty indentations that nobody really remembers.

New users need not to worry, this list is just a brief description of features, and more attention will be paid to complete these tasks in detail later in Chapter 3, Quickstart.

Syntax Highlighting

Kile is similar to programs that deal with source code and editing, and will automatically highlight commands, options and items that are used and abused. Kile makes so possible to spot easily problem areas: for example, if you see major areas of text turned green, it's likely that you forgot closing a math environment somewhere; you would have noticed anyway by how crappy the output file would have looked, but highlighting really saves you time and frustration.

Auto-Completion of Environments

The auto-completion of environments means that, when you begin a new environment by typing \begin{environment}, Kile will automatically insert a matching \end{environment} command, with a line in between them for your text. You can of course deactivate it if you want in Settings->Configure Kile...+LaTeX.

Jump to Structure Element

All documents are normally structured in a hierarchy of some type. LATEX allows you to break up documents into the following hierarchy (part being highest in the hierarchy, and subparagraph being lowest):

  • \part

  • \chapter

  • \section

  • \subsection

  • \subsubsection

  • \paragraph

  • \subparagraph

When viewing a document in the Structure view, you can jump between elements by clicking on the element you would like to view.

Inverse Search

When creating your own LATEX file, inverse search can be very helpful. Once you have created a DVI file (DeVice Independent File), when you click the middle- mouse button in the DVI viewer, Kile will jump to the corresponding line in the LATEX source code.

A DVI is a type of file containing a description of a formatted document, along with other information including character font, and is the usual output of TEX or LATEX. A number of utilities exist to view and print DVI files on various systems and devices. A DVI file is sometimes also known as a metafile.

Forward Search

When using inverse search, the selection of items in the DVI file is associated with the editor, so when you click on the DVI file, the main window jumps to the corresponding section of LATEX code in the editor. Forward search is the exact opposite of this. Forward search will allow you to click on a specific section of text in the LATEX code, and jump to the associated position in the DVI viewer window.
