CUED's Engineering Design Challenges

NAGTY HE Gateway


University of Cambridge

Engineering Department

Engineering as a Career

Interested in a career in Engineering? A general overview of Engineering as a career and details of the various development routes.

Engineering @ Cambridge. Details about the engineering course at Cambridge University and how to apply to become a student.

Cambridge Undergraduate Admissions. Information on how to apply to become an undergraduate at Cambridge. Includes details of open days and events.

Experience Engineering (Pre-University Courses/Opportunities)

CUED Outreach Events Calendar

Headstart courses

Sutton Trust Summer Schools

Other useful websites:

Campaign to Promote Engineering

Nuffield Foundation


Young Enterprise Scheme

Young Engineers

Engineering Education Scheme

Institution of Engineering and Technology

University Scholarship and Sponsorship Schemes

Entry Grants and Scolarships

Other useful websites:-

Arkwright Scholarships


Engineering Employer's Federation

Modern Apprentice Scheme

Institution of Civil Engineers

Institution of Mechanical Engineers

Institute of Physics

CUED Higher Education Gateway
Website by Mike Morley (mjm80)